St. Joseph Catholic Church
3425 Andersonville Highway
P.O. Box 387
Norris, TN 37828
In the Diocese of Knoxville
"Becoming Disciples of the Gospel"
Scripture Study
The mission of the Spiritual Life Committee is the dedication of its membership to the spiritual growth of both the St. Joseph Parish and the surrounding community through service and prayer inspired by the Liturgy of the Mass. This mission is fulfilled through: small group studies of the bible and other faith-centered literature; coordination and sponsorship of special programs, missions, retreats, and seminars; making seasonal studies and books available (Lent, Advent, Easter, et al) for parishioners and visitors; regular committee meetings and coordination with clergy to identify and improve how spiritual needs are met; information and weekly meditations published in the church bulletin; community outreach programs and ministries.
Our Small Faith Communities deepen our understanding of - and thirst for - the Gospel through intimate groups of 4-12 parishioners studying scripture passages, expounding upon the Liturgy, and discussing current works from faith-based authors and Catholic clergy. There are a variety of groups throughout the week, including evening groups, as well as Scripture Study after Mass on Sunday; easy to accommodate a busy schedule!
The PS-CB ministry shows love and concern for those in need by gathering together and making prayer shawls and comfort blankets. These tangible signs of prayer and support allow the recipient to experience healing, peace, strength and/or comfort from their visible and palpable presence. They are available for anyone in the parish needing them for themselves or someone they know in need, and ministry members often undertake outreach assignments to provide these blessed items to area health care facilities and nursing homes upon request.
Our parishioners pray the Rosary every Sunday at 8:40 a.m. as a means of contemplative preparation for the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The Spiritual Life Committee oversees the assignment and scheduling of Rosary prayer leaders.
Following Mass on Tuesday mornings, parishioners gather in the nave of St. Joseph with prayer petitions for mercy, healing, and thanksgiving - in timely and personalized prayer intentions. A very moving and uplifting experience in the palpable presence of Christ.